107.1 Jack FM | Paragould, AR
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Send us your JACKtivities!


There are two types of JACKtivities we feature:

#1 Not for Profit

WHO QUALIFIES: Schools, churches, charities, civic clubs, or any one hosting a non-profit event (where as the funds raised are donated to charity or a charitable organization) should submit their information to be included on JACK FM's JACKtivities.

#2 Entertainment/Activities

WHO QUALIFIES: Drama groups, musicians, special church services, club activities open to the public, community sports try-outs, civic organzation membership drives, civic organization fundraising events, school club sales drives, community festivals, car shows, toy runs, and the list goes on and on. Basically, if you have something that's going on in and around Northeast Arkansas, we'd like to know about it.


If you qualify under one of the above guidelines, great! Get ready to send us your JACKtivity!

Here's what we need to know:

WHO: Who is putting on the event?

WHAT: What is the event for? i.e. charity group, school,

WHERE: Where will the event take place?

WHEN: What is the date of the event? Time?

WHY: Make your case of why listeners should support your event! Explain what you intend to do with the funds/items raised at the event. i.e. to raise money for a school trip, to garner donations for a food pantry, to help buy clothing for a family affected by a tragedy such as a fire, etc.

HOW MUCH: How much are you trying to raise? Is there a suggested donation amount? Is there an admission price that will be donated to charity?


Once you get all of your information together, send at least 3 Weeks in advance to traffic@mormediainc.com


Then it won't be long before you see your event featured on JACKtivities!

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